Author Contact
Maurice Anslow, 5 Corvedale Barns, Seifton, Craven Arms, Shropshire SY7 9BY
Tel: 01584 861 521
Publisher Contact
O Books, The Bothy, Deershort Lodge, Park Lane, Ropley, Hampshire, SO24 OBE, United Kingdom.
Tel: (01962 773768) International Code: (44) 1962
I am Brahman
A Personal Quest into the Advaita Reality
While scientists at the giant atom-smashing Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland are yet again gearing up to seek the fundamental nature of reality, could it be that the answer has been known for thousands of years?
Today’s physicists know that something is missing in their models of how the universe works and some have already sought insight by studying the age-old teachings of India. The wisdom teachings of India talk about a background field of consciousness they call Brahman and from which all creation stems.
In I am Brahman, author, spiritual seeker and hypnotherapist Maurice Anslow takes the reader on his personal journey to seek out Brahman for himself. Travels in India combine with raw personal experiences and moving explorations of what the Indian philosophy of Oneness, known as non-dual or Advaita, means for the modern age. From the banks of the Ganges I am Brahman journeys into the poetry of the soul and leads the reader into a visceral experience of Advaita.
Anslow thinks it unlikely that scientists will discover Brahman with their particle accelerators or radio telescopes, but without it their attempts to find a unified theory for the existence of the universe will never succeed. Brahman may always evade measurement and so will remain outside the remit of science. Brahman may be an even more basic and elusive state than the vacuum energy which scientists call a zero-point field. Instead, Brahman is something beyond description, more likely to be sensed by poets and mystics than physicists and astronomers, and which is the ultimate experience sought in meditation.
I am Brahman fits into the non-dual literature of today as a rare personal take on what it is like for a Westerner to absorb the teachings of the East. Anslow combines his own Christian background with Hindu and Buddhist insight and shows how all religions are essentially trying to describe the same thing. Anslow argues that Brahman is what Christians call the Holy Spirit and is a projection of God’s consciousness as a type of energy from which material creation is constructed.
The books opens with a moving account of naked Hindu religion on the banks of the Ganges at holy Varanasi (Benares). As the narrative continues, Anslow describes how the philosophy of Advaita emerged in ancient India with the writing of the sacred Vedas and Upanishads, and how the same message can be seen in Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Taoism. The author then goes on to discuss the nature of karma and atonement and includes Anslow’s own pilgrimage to Shirdi where he seeks guidance from India’s greatest saint, Sai Baba.
From there Anslow examines the science of Brahman, and shows how the physicists are beginning to open their minds to whole new ways of thinking and to the role played by consciousness in how the universe works.
The book then goes on to discuss the importance of Advaitin philosophy to the modern age and how knowers of Brahman can live in the present and be without the greed that threatens to destroy us. Finally, I am Brahman takes flight and the reader is asked to realise that they, too, are Brahman. Anslow describes it as “the ultimate experience that awaits us all”.